Living: Chatsworth, The Attic Sale, part 2.
From our Middle England Correspondent:
"There had been a mania for decoupage and for
taxidermy, now surplus to requirement, even in an
attic. Oak travel boxes each with a plaque 'His Grace
the Duke of Devonshire' and a number, 14, 15, 16,
gave an idea of the precision needed in traveling
from house to house. Oil paintings so murky they
were almost black were paired with cheery piles of
marrows and unscrubbed turnips. Poached salmon
sandwiches were served in the tea pavilion and a
mud bath took place on the lawn between the tents.
Most people saved their shoes while the others
squelched around an early motor car, a Russian
sled (to be pulled by animals with bells on)
and a 60s Triumph Stag with a sticker in the
window: Follow me to Arsenal. 'It's not a clear
out,' the Duke has said. 'It's a clear up.'
And he was not wrong."
Photographs by Kendra Wilson