
Extinct (generally): Yorkshire Christmas Pye.
"First make a good standing Crust, let the Wall and
Bottom be very thick; bone a Turkey, a Goose, a
Partridge and a Pigeon. Season them all very well.
Open the fowls all down the back and bone them;
first the pigeon, then the partridge, cover them; then
the fowl, then the goose, and then the turkey, which
must be large; lay them in the crust, then have a hare
ready cased [skinned] and wiped with a clean cloth.
Cut it to pieces; season it, and lay it as close as you
can to one side; on the other side woodcocks, moor
game, and what sort of wild fowl you can get. Put at
least four pounds of butter into the pye, then lay on
your lid, which must be a very thick one, and let it
be well baked. The crust will take a bushel of flour.
These pies are often sent to London in a box as
presents therefore the walls must be well built."
—Hannah Glasse, The Art of Cookery, 1747.

Still Life of a Pie, 1884, by Guillaume Fouace.


News from Nowhere and Reed Wilson