
Interior + graphic design by Winold Reiss

Paul Specht and his Hotel Alamac Orchestra

Hotel Alamac in Atlantic City advertising
the opening of Hotel Alamac in New York.
"Opens July 1923, 600 Rooms, Baths"

"Once, a terrible number of years ago, when
Seymour and I were eight and six, our parents
gave a party for nearly sixty people in our three and
a half rooms at the old Hotel Alamac, in New York."

The Panic in Needle Park, shot in and
around the Hotel Alamac; Joan Didion and
John Gregory Dunne stayed there in 1967
for research. The studio of Duncan Hannah
is pictured above the DRUGS sign.

Living: The Hotel Alamac, built in 1923,
New York residence of Ancient Industries.
Call ENdicott 2-5000 to reserve a room.


News from Nowhere and Reed Wilson