
Thank you:
Friends, customers and window shoppers.
And to the following, who are responsible for
making Ancient Industries a success this year.

Elaine Wilson (1931—2009)
whose abiding passion was Style.

Kendra and Reed Wilson, my sisters
who always inspire me.

Duncan Hannah, about whose life I could start
another blog, or write a book, although it would
have to be a novel because nobody would believe it.

Abby Weintraub, a girl of taste and
wit who suggested I start a shop a few
years ago (perhaps it was a joke?)

Carol Carson and John Gall, my bosses
at Knopf, who are generous and funny
and are also my friends.

Nicola Beauman at Persephone Books who
has been a friend,adviser, inspirer, kindred
spirit and generous employer.

Pam Morris who long ago invited
me to come and talk to her at her
office at Martha Stewart.

Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan at
Apartment Therapy, who has been so
generous with support and advice.

The very Honnish Penelope Green at
the New York Times Home section.

Andreas Kokkino and Pilar Validas
at T Magazine:The Moment at
the New York Times.

The gorgeous girls at Remodelista, especially
Julie for talking up Ancient Industries and Sarah
for adding me to her Eclectic List at blogs.com.

Jane Brocket, the modest giantess of British
blogs, who added me to her Beautiful List at
blogs.com when I still hadn't said much.

David Coggins, noted for his smart exit lines,
who suggested I start the blog as a link
to the shop.

Hollister Hovey, Queen of Williamsburg,
an early supporter and generous soul.

Lisa Borgnes Giramonti, who also took an
early interest, whilst living the glamorous
Bloomsbury Life in Hollywood.

Also Nicola Heindl, Kate Douglas,
Gabriele von Bülow Wilson,
Susan Rush, Susan Lyall & Karen Duffy.

The magicians at APP Division who
programmed the retail site.

To my customers and repeat customers,
you know who you are.

Thank you all.


News from Nowhere and Reed Wilson